martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

What is Sustainability?

By Damyan Leon y Jerson Cangrejo

What is Sustainability?
Is defined as a biological systems endure and remain diverse and productive.
Sustainability is a form to save our natural resources, like the air and the ozone layer.
The sustainability is expanded in other areas like:
  • Environmental protection.
  • Social responsibility.
  • Economic practice.
-Sustainability in our homes as energy.
We can use the word of Sustainability as use renovable energies, like:
Solar energie in our home, we can pay for one installation of solar panels or we can learn how install solar panels in our homes, whit this, we can save our planet and use the unlimited energy of the sun. This is the most common of the other three examples.

Resultado de imagen para energia solar
Other form is use de wind energy, if we life in a rural zone, we can install a windmill and take advantage of this energy.

Resultado de imagen para energia eolica

The last example of renovable energies is the hydrostatic energy, this funtion using a engine what functions whit step of the water in a caudal.

Resultado de imagen para caudal

Why we need use sustainability?

-Cimate change:
Cimate change scientists admit to a number of uncertainties concerning the magnitude human impact on warming, the rate of rising sea levels and the likelihood of plant and animal extinction.
-Mitigating global warming:
Nevertheless, the overall scientific consensus is that global warming is real and dangerous. If we wish to have a sustainable society built on sustainable energy resources, governments and businesses need to take direct and immediate action on climate change.

In approximation, in 30 years, if we dont care our wate and our air, we need use gas mask because the air will be much contaminated, for this, is need that the industries use renovable energies and dont spill the waste in our water, because this isnt unlimited.


  • RECYCLE: Take materials that we do not use and re-use it.Resultado de imagen para recycle
  • SUSTAINABILITY:Form of take care of our world. For example, using renovable energies and distribute the trash correctly.Resultado de imagen para sustainability
  • DAMAGE IN THE OZONE SLAYER:The ozone slayer is a protection of ultraviolet ray sun ,the damage is because carbon dioxide excess.Resultado de imagen para damage in the ozone layer
  • REDUCE:Try to do not use much trash for economy of bio-degradation.Resultado de imagen para reduce
  • RENOVABLE ENERGIES: Energies that the enviroment gives us and do not contaminate our air with fossils.Resultado de imagen para renewable energies
  • SUN ENERGY: Solar rays are collected with solar panels and use it like electricity.                                                                                                                                           
  • Resultado de imagen para sun energy
  • WIND ENERGY: Using a motor that works with wind to get energy.Resultado de imagen para wind energy
  • REUSE: Take materials that we do not use and use it for other things. 
  • BIKE: Mean of transport which does not use any thing that damages the enviroment.Resultado de imagen para bike
  • SAVE WATER: Avoid waste water and try to use all for it.Resultado de imagen para save water
  • ECOLOGICAL BAGS: Bags that you can use and re-use and do not damage the enviroment. Resultado de imagen para ecological bags
  • PROTECT ANIMALS: Respect all the animals and their natural cycle.Resultado de imagen para protect animals
  • PLANT A TREE: Put a tree or a seed on the earth.Resultado de imagen para plant a tree
  • USE THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Use natural things that help the environment.Resultado de imagen para use public transport
  • AVOID CHEMICAL THINGS: Use natural things that help the environment.Resultado de imagen para avoid chemicals
  • PUT THE TRASH IN THEIR SPACE:Put the trash inside the oildrum.Resultado de imagen para canecas de reciclaje
  • ECOLOGY: Science that studies the environment and his behavior.Resultado de imagen para ecology
  • LIVING THINGS: Animals, humans, plants, everything that is naturally alive.Resultado de imagen para living things
  • POLLUTION: Air with a lot of contamination.Resultado de imagen para pollution
  • TRASH: thing that you can not give more utility life. Resultado de imagen para trash
  • GREEN PEACE: Association of people that help the environment with a lot of interest.Resultado de imagen para green peace
  • CONTAMINATION: Human being actions that do not help the environment.Resultado de imagen para contamination
  • USE BETTER THE PAPER:Use the paper on the both faces.Resultado de imagen para use better the paper
  • DO NOT USE ICOPOR: Icopor is no a recycle material.Resultado de imagen para no icopor
  • CLASIFICATE GARBAGE: In that way you help the environment and use the materials in correct way.
Resultado de imagen para canecas de reciclaje


The set of services provided by a country or an organization for treating people who are sick are recognized like HEALTHCARE .

                                           Resultado de imagen para HEALTHCARE   

The word SERVICE is defined by googles dictionary as :
  1. 1.
    the action of helping or doing work for someone.
    "millions are involved in voluntary service"
    sinónimos:act of assistance, good turn, favourkindness, helping hand
  2. 2.
    a system supplying a public need such as transport, communications, or utilities such as electricity and water.
    "a regular bus service"
    "the provision of a wide range of local services"
3rd person present: services
  1. 1.
    perform routine maintenance or repair work on (a vehicle or machine).
    "ensure that gas appliances are serviced regularly"
    sinónimos:overhaulcheck, check over, go over, give a maintenance check to, maintain, keep in good condition; 
  2. 2.
    (of a male animal) mate with (a female animal).
    "one dog could presumably service several bitches in a day"

In that order of ideas HEALTH SERVICES are considered all the actions, utilities, facilities, provisions, transport means, professionals and any other thing that help the people to get WELLNESS.

WELLNESS: The state of being healthy.


 Resultado de imagen para DOCTORS                         DOCTOR

A DOCTOR must be, according to  :
  • Confident: "The doctor's confidence gives me confidence."
  • Empathetic: "The doctor tries to understand what I am feeling and experiencing, physically and emotionally, and communicates that understanding to me."
  • Humane: "The doctor is caring, compassionate, and kind."
  • Personal: "The doctor is interested in me more than just as a patient, interacts with me, and remembers me as an individual."
  • Forthright: "The doctor tells me what I need to know in plain language and in a forthright manner."
  • Respectful: "The doctor takes my input seriously and works with me."
  • Thorough: "The doctor is conscientious and persistent."